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lim6@un.orgGlobal Digital Dialogue 2024: Sustainable Digital Transformation of Landlocked Developing Countries
The United Nations in Mongolia, the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Communications (MDDIC), Government of Mongolia and the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC), in cooperation with the Digitalization working group of the Development Partners Group Mongolia, are organizing the Global Digital Dialogue (GDD) 2024 on the 14th of August from 3 pm to 5:30 pm.
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The objective of the GDD is to facilitate the exchange of experiences from different countries on how to implement digital transformation strategies for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the participation of a wide group of stakeholders, including the Member States, UN entities, private sector, international financial institutions and other key stakeholders.

The GDD 2024 focuses on sustainable digital transformation of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs). The Dialogue will investigate where LLDCs stand in digital readiness, including how they can benefit from application of artificial intelligence and digital technologies, share lessons learned in digital transformation of LLDCs, and discuss how to make digital transformation inclusive.
Discussion and findings of the Dialogue are expected to feed into discussion of other higher-level forums, including the Summit of the Future and the Third UN Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries.
Meet our panelists:

The full event video is available below: