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FAO, ITU, RCO, UNDP, UNICEFТогтвортой хөгжлийн зорилго
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alice.chen@un.orgGlobal Digital Dialogue 2022 (GDD 2022)

The United Nations in Mongolia, in partnership with the Government of Mongolia, is delighted to host the first-ever Global Digital Dialogue to exchange experiences from different countries on how to implement digital transformation strategies to an audience composed of the Member States, UN entities, private sector, international financial institutions and other key stakeholders. This Global Dialogue is organized by the Mongolia Ministry of Digital Development and Communications (MDDC) and the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office, UNDP, Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy of Technology, ITU, UNICEF, FAO and others. The Global Dialogue aims to contribute to global and regional level discussions, including the consultations on the Global Digital Compact to be finalized and adopted at the Summit of the Future in 2023, which aims to establish a set of shared principles for the digital future, highlighting issues such as internet fragmentation, accountability criteria for discrimination, data protection, and the regulation of AI.
The Global Dialogue will be held virtually, with the aim to bring together hundreds of high-level speakers, experts and participants including leaders from Bangladesh, Estonia, India, New Zealand, Australia, and others, policymakers, representatives from international financial institutions, private sector leaders including technology giants, academia, think tanks, and civil society organizations.
One of the central questions this Global Dialogue will also shed light upon is the role of the UN. Speakers and participants will unpack how the UN can be most effective in supporting the Government and other key actors in the process toward inclusive and sustainable digital transformation. As the United Nations Secretary-General Mr. António Guterres notes, the new technological era is upon us – one that beckons with vast opportunity but also new risks to global peace, stability and development. This Global Dialogue aims to ask the fundamental questions and inspire solutions about the future we want, to determine against the backdrop of the digital transformation, what kind of world are we going to leave for our children.
Details on Global Digital Dialogue:
Join us on: https://bit.ly/3pXPxHQ
- Digital for Green
- Government as a Platform
- Inclusive, Equal and Meaningful digitalization to achieve the SDGs
- Digital transformation as an enabler to sustainable economic transformation and recovery
- Digital Transformation in Education
Alice Chen, Partnerships and Development Financing Officer, RCO, UN Mongolia
Tel: +976 94118544
E-mail: alice.chen@un.org
Bat-Orgil – Orgil Media Management LLC
Tel: +976 91915686
E-mail: contact@orgilmedia.mn
Urangoo Bugaa, Officer of Statistics and Analytic Division, Policy and Planning Department Ministry of Digital Development and Communications
Tel: +976 11 331621
E-mail: urangoo@mddc.gov.mn
Энэ арга хэмжээний тухай
The United Nations in Mongolia, in partnership with the Government of Mongolia, is delighted to host the first-ever Global Digital Dialogue to exchange experiences from different countries on how to implement digital transformation strategies to an audience composed of the Member States, UN entities, private sector, international financial institutions and other key stakeholders.