FAO, RCO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEFSustainable Development Goals
Contact information“Socio-Economic Impact of Global Crises in Mongolia” Workshop
“Socio-Economic Impact of Global Crises in Mongolia”
Date: Monday, 21 November 2022
Organisers: Ministry of Economy and Development, UNRCO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, and FAO
Location: Ballroom, 4th floor, Novotel Hotel (in-person)
About the event

The United Nations Mongolia is implementing a UN Joint SDG Fund project entitled Rapid Analysis and Response to the Impact of Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Covid-19 Pandemic on Mongolia’s Economy and Vulnerable Population. Under the leadership and coordination of the Resident Coordinator, the Participating United Nations Organizations (PUNOs) - FAO, UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA - are analysing the extent of the socio-economic impact of global crises on vulnerable persons in terms of consumption and production, availability of food and nutrition, and security of the energy sector, including the prospects for low-carbon transition in energy.
The existing data/analysis shows that the socio-economic impact of Russia-Ukraine crisis on Mongolia, which combined with COVID-19 pandemic reverberations may trigger deep economic, social, political, and environmental crises. The Government of Mongolia (GOM), United Nations Country Team (UNCT) Mongolia, development partners and IFIs have been closely monitoring the situation and analysing its implications for Mongolia. The analytical work carried out by the PUNOs of the project intends to complement government’s analysis by providing exhaustive information on households, businesses, and livelihoods of vulnerable population. The findings and recommendations are expected to feed into the policy and programme interventions by the GOM, UNCT, and development partners and support development of an integrated strategic response.
Objectives of the workshop:
Validate the analysis conducted by PUNOs under the project
Get feedback and comments from stakeholders on analytical findings
Initiate a dialogue on how these findings can feed into policy interventions by the Government and stakeholders
Target participants:
United Nations Agencies and Development partners
Senior government representatives of policy developments and executive levels in Ministries
Civil society and academia
Download presentations:
Rapid Assessment of the Impact of Russia-Ukraine War on Mongolia's households and businesses
Big data analysis of impact of the crisis on consumption and production in Mongolia
Crisis to resilience: Enhancing the readiness of rural communities and food systems to shocks
Enabling environment for low-carbon energy transition compacts and its financing
Mongolia's Energy challenges during crises
Multiple micronutrient, vitamin A and D availability