National Forum for Sustainable Development

Mongolia recommits to SDGs by accelerating its national efforts to achieve the Agenda 2030
The Government of Mongolia, in partnership with the UN in Mongolia, brought together more than 220 delegates, representing all groups of society and development partners to finalize Mongolia's National Commitment to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs at the National Forum for Sustainable Development, held on 7 September.
This paves the way for Mongolia to present its national renewed commitment to the SDGs along with 12 accelerators that will push forward the country's efforts to sustainable development at the SDG Summit on 18-19 September in New York.

Keynote presentation by Mr. L.Balchinluvsan, Director-General of the Integrated Policy and Planning Department, the Ministry of Economy and Development:

SDGs are everyone's business. In particular, the private sector plays an enormous role in achieving SDGs as it drives the economy and growth. Thus, this forum provided a stage for the local leading businesses to present their contribution and best practices to the SDGs.

Learn more about the Forum from Montsame - the media partner of the event.
Video Highlights from the Forum
APU Dairy presentation on its contribution to food security and healthy and nutritious food for the population
Khan Bank - national leading bank to sustainable development presents its commitment
Presentation of Golomt Bank - committed to invest for a brighter future of Mongolia
Invescore presents its commitment to SME development
MCS Coca-Cola presents its commitment to SDGs
The UN in Mongolia calls on individuals and communities, and businesses to Unite to Act for SDGs!