RCOSustainable Development Goals
Contact information
soyolmaa.dolgor@un.orgSDG OPEN DAY

The United Nations in Mongolia, in partnership with its key stakeholders, is organizing an “SDG Open Day” - an outdoor public event that aims to engage with and raise awareness of the Mongolian public on the SDGs, acknowledge and promote best practices, individual initiatives and positive changes created by stakeholders, including the private sector, development partners and local communities that contributed to the SDGs. By showcasing their achievements and solutions for sustainability, the event also aims to inspire and mobilise more individual and collective actions and commitment to achieving the SDGs and Vision 2050.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets, signed onto by leaders around the world including Mongolia, represent aspirations to end poverty and hunger, protect the planet, promote justice, eliminate disparities and inequalities, and bring prosperity by 2030. Mongolia is one of the early adopters of the SDGs. In line with these global goals, the Parliament of Mongolia adopted its Vision-2050, a strategic policy document on the country’s development priorities in the years to come.
Achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a milestone in achieving Vision 2050. To achieve this agenda, Mongolia must take more ambitious actions to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs.
SDGs are everyone’s business. These goals are to be achieved by all concerted and collective efforts by all stakeholders, including the Government, development partners, private sector, academia, civil society and last, but not least, by individual citizens.
For this purpose, this campaign “SDG Open Day”, the UN Mongolia, together with its key partners, proposes to engage with the Mongolian communities, especially the private sector, and the public in Ulaanbaatar city, in a range of activities and events geared towards advocating and promoting SDGs while showcasing and acknowledging good works and significant progress thus far towards SDGs and to inspire sustainable behaviours and lifestyle and mobilize more commitment from businesses, communities and the wider public to the promotion of SDGs in Mongolia.
Moreover, this campaign will also give space and a platform to acknowledge and commitment of the Mongolian stakeholders to the promotion and implementation of the SDGs, showcasing their best practices and substantial contributions they have made towards solving some of the pressing issues Mongolian communities face.
In a nutshell, the campaign will aim to shift the gear from building awareness to accelerating the implementation of the SDGs to achieve the Agenda by 2030.
- Engage with and raise awareness of the public, especially youth, through first-hand interactions on the SDGs and sustainable development issues.
- Acknowledge and promote best practices and positive changes created by stakeholders, including the private sector, development partners and local communities that contributed to the SDGs through offering a space and a platform to showcase their achievements and solutions for sustainability.
- Inspire and mobilise more individual and collective actions and commitment from the public, private sector and communities to make a difference by bringing sustainable solutions to Mongolia’s most pressing development challenges.
The campaign will aim to engage with at least 5000 people in person at the event and more than 100,000 people through a social media campaign. Around 100 organisations and entities will be selected to showcase their best practices and sustainability products based on the selection criteria to be elaborated.
- Government organisations
- Civil society organisations, Local communities and citizen-led initiatives
- Private sector and businesses
- Academia and students
- Schools and universities
- Development partners and the international organisations
- Children and youth, including youth-led organizations
- Media organisations
- The SDG Open Day will be an opportunity for stakeholders to showcase their contributions (products, initiatives, movements and projects) to SDGs, focusing on the solutions to the socio-economic challenges Mongolia faces.
- The participating organization/entity will be provided with a standard size for an exhibition booth or space within a booth is 3 x 3 or 2 x 2 meters free of charge to display their presentations.
- Participating organisations are encouraged to use visual materials, publications, posters and multi-media to showcase their work/products/initiatives/campaigns. It is highly encouraged to use technological advances to create sustainable and eco-friendly exhibits, leaving behind green footprints.
- It is highly encouraged that exhibitors incorporate creative, entertaining and interactive activities with the audience to stimulate discussions and further interest in a sustainable lifestyle.
- The exhibits shall also consider providing examples to the audience on concrete ways to take action and how they can engage in achieving the SDGs through different initiatives.
Registration to the event is closed.
- Relevance of the information / exhibits to the SDGs (Enclose a brief summary of the presentation within 300 words, accompanied with upto 5 photos or upto 5 min video presenation)
- Breadth of impacts and outreach of the work/products/initiatives/campaigns (Supported by facts and evidence)
- Level of inclusiveness: broad representation and addressing LNOB (Leave no one behind).
- Breadth of representation: Where possible, organisations, agencies and stakeholder groups should not be given more than one booth.
- Breadth of target audience: Where possible, a variety of audience should be targeted.
- Level of interaction and engagement with the target audience (highly encouraged to use interactive, engaging and learning activities for audience, based on technological advances.
- Exhibitors will be provided the space and help setting up exhibition booths.
- Cost of transportation and shipping will need to be met by applicants.
- All display materials and audio-visual equipment will be the responsibility of the respective organisations, in consultation with the organisers.
- Further detailed information will be provided once applications are confirmed along with quotes for additional equipment if required.
- If the applicants are interested in presenting their work/products/initiatives at the central stage, they must indicate in the application form. Due diligence and selection criteria will be applied on each applicant based on the proposal.
- UN Agencies (UN Communications group and UN YAP members)
- Ministry of Economic Development
- Ministry of Foriegn Affairs
- UB City Mayor’s Office
- MNCCI for mobilising private sector engagement
B.Tengis, Event Coordinator
Tel: 99928572
D.Soyolmaa, UNRCO Communications Officer
Tel: 94111220
S.Tsogzolmaa, Senior Officer, Integrated Development Policy Department, MED
Tel -89020974
S.Oyunzul, Head of Projects and Programme Department, MNCCI
Tel: 99106084
About the event
“SDG Open Day” event aims to engage with and raise awareness of the Mongolian public on the SDGs, acknowledge and promote best practices, individual initiatives and positive changes created by stakeholders, including the private sector, development partners and local communities that contributed to the SDGs. By showcasing their achievements and solutions for sustainability, the event also inspires and mobilises more individual and collective actions and commitment to achieving the SDGs and Vision 2050.