UN Mongolia Country Results Report 2017-2018

The United Nations family in Mongolia consists of fifteen agencies, which co-signed the United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2017-2021 (the UNDAF) and work hand in hand to support the Government of Mongolia (GoM). The UNDAF serves as a basis for all of the UN's work in the country over the period of 2017-2021. Every year, the UN and the GoM jointly review progress and achievements under UNDAF and identify priorities for the coming years.
During the reporting period, the UN agencies collectively mobilized USD 61.1 million, out of which USD 43.23 million were utilized for 82 activities carried out in cooperation with 49 implementing partners (IPs) across 18 provinces and the capital city. These activities supported advancement of 16 out of 17 SDGs, with more than half of it or USD 23 million being directedtowards implementation of ve SDGs: SDG 2-Zero Hunger, SDG3 – Health, SDG 5 – Gender Equality, SDG 15 – Life on land and SDG 16 – Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.