UNDAF Independent Evaluation 2012-2016

The Government of Mongolia (GoM) and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) commissioned a final evaluation of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2012-2016, which was undertaken by a team of three independent evaluators over the period 30 April to 1 July 2015. As per the Terms of Reference (TORs), the specific objectives of the evaluation were:
a) To assess the contributions made by the UNCT to national development results in the framework of the UNDAF and based on the outcome indicators,
b) To identify the factors that affected the UN's contributions and identify constraints and challenges,
c) To identify the UN’s valued-added and comparative advantage, including good practices and lessons learned,
d) To make recommendations for the design and implementation of the next UNDAF in the context of the changing development context, and
e) To assess the effectiveness of the UN strategies, including the extent to which the UN addressed its core principles (gender equality, human rights-based approach, environmental sustainability, results-based management and capacity development).